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I am here to help you gain a greater understanding of yourself, heal, and find higher guidance. I hold a warm, non-judgmental, safe space for you to explore your spiritual questions, needs, and challenges. Let me be your companion on your journey towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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Intutive life coaching is a unique approach to helping clients find balance and peace in their lives. It is a holistic approach to personal development, based on the idea that our spiritual needs are just as important as our physical and mental needs. A spiritual life coach can help you explore and understand your life purpose, gain clarity on your vision and values, and support you in creating life-affirming goals and strategies. Through conversations, exercises and meditation, they can help you to access and work with your inner wisdom and intuition. The goal of spiritual life coaching is to enable clients to live a life that is deeply meaningful and satisfying. It can bring about profound shifts in the way you view and interact with the world, as well as helping you to develop a healthier relationship with yourself. The benefits of intuitive life coaching include: • Increased self-awareness and self-acceptance • Greater clarity in decision-making • Improved relationships • Enhanced creativity and productivity • Increased sense of purpose and meaning • Greater peace of mind and emotional wellbeing • Improved physical and mental health At its core, intuitive life coaching is about connecting to your true self and living a life that is in alignment with your deepest values and desires. It is a powerful tool for personal transformation and growth.



Chopra meditation is a type of meditation practice that has been used for centuries to help people develop self-awareness, clarity, inner peace, and connection with the divine. It is based on the teachings of Deepak Chopra, a world-renowned spiritual teacher and author. The benefits of Chopra meditation include: 1. Improved mental clarity: Regular practice of Chopra meditation can help improve your focus, concentration, clarity of thought, and the ability to stay present in the moment. 2. Lower stress levels: Studies have shown that regular meditation can help you reduce stress levels and improve overall wellbeing. 3. Increased self-awareness: Chopra meditation encourages a deeper awareness of yourself and your relationship to the world around you. 4. Increased spiritual connection: Chopra meditation helps you to cultivate a deeper connection with the divine and to gain spiritual insight and guidance. 5. Improved sleep: Studies have shown that regular meditation can help promote better sleep. 6. Improved relationships: Practicing Chopra meditation can help you cultivate better relationships with others, as it encourages compassion, understanding, and empathy. 7. Increased creativity: Regular meditation can help open up your creativity and imagination. These are just some of the many benefits that Chopra meditation can provide. Regular practice of Chopra meditation can make a profound difference in your life, helping you to become more present, mindful, and connected to the divine.



Channeling is a practice that connects practitioners with higher levels of consciousness, such as the divine, spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters. Through this practice, you can gain access to information that could not otherwise be reached, such as answers to questions, solutions to problems, and guidance on life decisions. Channeling can provide spiritual guidance, help you to better understand your purpose, provide insight into your past, and help to create positive changes in your life. It can also assist you in connecting with your higher self and understanding the deeper meaning of your experiences. By working with a channeler, you can gain an understanding of their true self, align with their highest potential, and live a more fulfilling life. Psychic mediumship is the ability to access, interpret and deliver messages from beyond the physical realm. It is a form of spiritual communication that allows you to connect with the energy of loved ones who have transitioned to the spirit side, to gain insight and guidance from beyond the physical realm, and to provide an understanding of your purpose on this earth. Psychic mediums can provide a variety of services, including: • Connecting with loved ones who have passed on and delivering messages from them • Receiving messages from spirit guides and guardian angels • Providing insight and guidance on life decisions • Offering clarity and understanding of challenging situations • Uncovering past life influences and how they are affecting your current life • Exploring the spiritual realm to gain understanding of your purpose in life • Assisting in the healing process with spiritual guidance • Helping to release blockages and limiting beliefs • Connecting with the energy of animals and plants • Assisting in communication with other realms of existence • Vibrational healing Overall, psychic mediums provide support to those seeking answers, clarity, and understanding. Through their connection to the divine, they are able to access guidance that can help you find your way forward and make more informed decisions.



Spiritual energetic healing is an alternative healing method that utilizes the energy of the universe to promote healing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It is based on the belief that the body has an energy system that is connected to the universe and that this energy can be used to bring balance and harmony to the mind and body. The method works by tapping into the energy of the universe and using it to heal physical, emotional, and mental issues. Techniques such as meditation, visualization, and sound healing can be used to help relax the body and mind and create a sense of balance and harmony. Spiritual energetic healing can also help to bring about positive changes in your life, such as improved physical health, increased mental clarity, reduced stress, improved emotional wellbeing, and a greater sense of peace and clarity. It allows you tap into your inner guidance and intuition.

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- Maori Proverb -

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